Website & Internet Marketing Presentation, Proposal, Options & Contract/Agreement
I've been producing websites full time since 2005, firstly as a franchisee with WSI and laterly utilizing the WIX products. I'm now in my 60's and it's time to slow down, I'm not looking for new clients as I'm perfectly happy with my client base so hence I don't need a prominent website and I feel it's time to share an item that has certainly assisted me with my success over the years.
This 18 page document contains key objectives and business solutions for the client, all valuable information relating to your initial proposal to the client, details of the timeline and process to produce the project, FOUR pricing/fee structures ALL PRODUCING A CONTINUOUS MONTHLY/ANNUAL RECURRING INCOME STREAM.
You can amend the document to suit your business. The document is 18 pages and contains useful information to help your proposal, sell your product(s) and maintain a continuous income stream over many years. In fact, I've received over $60,000 in income from one client alone.
Another benefit of this proposal/contract is I've realized that a watertight as possibly can be proposal, contract/agreement is a MUST.
I've been using a document since 2005, in that time I've had two clients who have attempted to get a refund. On both occasions they failed, I counter sued and won due to this document.
The document is available for only $25 and will be emailed to you upon payment.